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What is Co-Q10 and why should I take it?

What is Co-Q10 and why should I take it?

Globally, Co-Q10 is still one of the highest selling supplements. And for very good reason, too. Amongst its many benefits is the support it provides to the cardiovascular system.

We produce Co-Q10 naturally, but like many nutrients, we have an imbalance between our body’s needs and our natural production. One of the primary reasons for deficient levels of Co-Q10 is the consumption of pharmaceutical drugs. Some commonly consumed medications like statins, for example, knock Co-Q10 out of the body. As we age Co-Q10 is synthesised less by the body too, so our needs do increase.

It’s a potent antioxidant needed by every cell in the body to support growth and maintenance. It also plays a key role in energy production, and as such can help to support the body’s function in a wide range of areas:

Deficiency Diseases
The list is fairly extensive, but amongst the important roles it plays are helping to reduce heart disease and cancer. It also can reduce the effect of migraines and helps us avoid tiredness and fatigue.

Mitochondria and Energy

Co-Q10 is essential for the health of the mitochondria, and is also vital to the production of ATP, the energy produced within your cells that keep you alive. This nutrient should be added to a nutritional program foranyone suffering from low energy levels.

Heart Disease
Co-Q10 supports healthy mitochondria throughout the body, but in particular within the heart. Heart muscle cells have a much higher concentration of mitochondria that other organs within the body - about 5,000 mitochondria per cell compared to, for example, only 1,000 to 2,000 within a liver cell. Mitochondria make up about 35% of the volume of cardiac tissue making it one of the highest concentrations within the body.

Free Radicals
Co-Q10 is one of the more potent antioxidant nutrients. The process of energy production within the mitochondria creates a toxic residue which can become a harmful by-product when produced in excess. We refer to these as free-radicals, and Co-Q10 mops up and removes these from the body, preventing toxic overload. It effectively neutralizes them and in so doing promotes a healthier heart.

 1 Product
We combine a number of antioxidant nutrients in one product to create a highly effective multi-nutrient. Apart from Co-Q10, ours contains: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Zinc, Selenium and Bioflavonoids.


Multi Antioxidant with Co-Q10 Foodstate Company Supplements

Each of these ingredients has numerous benefits, but overall:

  • Antioxidants react with harmful free radicals to render them harmless
  • Antioxidants help to prevent the damaging effects of oxidation within LDL Cholesterol
  • Antioxidants counteract the increase of harmful Free Radicals produced as a result of exercise
  • Antioxidants help to promote a healthy immune system
  • Antioxidants promote a healthy heart
  • Antioxidants help in the formation of blood, bones and teeth 
  • Antioxidants help support healthy skin and vision 
  • Co-Q10 is needed for cell energy release in human tissue counteracting inflammation
  • Antioxidants, in particular Selenium, help protect us from common cancers


Our Foodstate Multi Antioxidant with Co-Q10 supplement provides nutrients in a food state, which means they will be presented to your body in the same form as they are in food. Food state nutrients have been tested by independent laboratories who found that they:

1. Are significantly better absorbed, longer retained and better used than standard chemical supplements 
2. Do not need to be taken with food as it contains all the necessary food factors needed for absorption 
3. Have no known allergic reactions 
4. Are suitable for vegetarians 
5. Contain natural bioflavonoids that support and enhance the function of Vitamin C


Foodstate Supplements
All food. Nothing fake.

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