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Is your immune system ready for winter?

Is your immune system ready for winter?

While we’re experiencing mild temperatures and some welcome, albeit occasional appearances from the sun at the moment, there’s no hiding from the fact that winter is on the way. And with the season comes an increased stress and strain on the immune system.

While activity peaks between the months of December and February, flu and colds can strike at any time.

The darker, colder days may tempt you to hide under a blanket until April, but it’s hardly a realistic approach to stave off illness! Washing your hands more frequently and avoiding contact with friends who are ill is a good place to start. But, it’s also well worth considering giving your body an extra boost. There is a healthy and more holistic approach to developing a stronger immune system. Remember, a stronger immune system provides us with better health. And the healthier we are, the happier we are!

Dietary deficiencies
Our diet is fundamental to good health, however we face certain challenges these days that result in weaker immunities and compromised health. Nearly all human disease is linked to nutritional deficiency.

A plant is only as healthy as the soil in which it grows and farm soils today are 70-80% deplete of the nutrients they contained 100 years ago. Only 8 of the 60 minerals we need for optimum health exist in any kind of quantity in today’s farm soils too.

With modern cooking methods, poor digestion, medications and processed foods all further depleting the body of essential nutrients, food-based supplements are a fabulous way to improve health.

Keep it fresh, light and raw
There is an abundance and ever increasing choice of food. However, never before has the immune system been so exposed to altered and chemically produced foods. There are many lifestyle aspects to consider, including stress, emotions and diet, which create an imbalance in our health. We all know of the basic guidelines of eating less fat, sugar, salt and to increase our fibre intake. But food should also be enjoyed, so as a general rule of thumb, try to eat as much fresh, raw food as possible and lightly cooked leaf and root vegetables.

Don’t be fooled
Marketing of food is very persuasive. What we need most are the vibrant, nutrient-rich foods that enhance our wellbeing. Stay away from ‘stimulant foods’, liked refined sugars, sweeteners, fried foods, carbonated drinks, refined flour, confectionery – all created to tempt us, adding undesirable chemicals to our diet.

Ignore the marketeers with their ‘intellectual foods’ too, created for profit and to appeal to our intellects. Most will offer little health benefit like ‘healthy spread’ butter replacements, for example.

Woman drinking water from a glass


Natural re-balancing
Water, is a key factor in maintaining the energy and efficiency of the human body. It should be as pure as possible, without pesticides, organic compounds, hormones, and water processing chemicals. Water from glass bottles is preferable and carbon filters are effective purifiers.

We should not ignore the benefits of modern medicine, but nature is a wonderful provider. The media promotes dieting, but most diets are faddish and not based on the principle that ‘nature cures’. Modern food has been so altered that nature is unable to fully achieve its healing objective. Depleted soils create depleted plant materials, which not only affect us directly, but also provide inadequate nutrition to the animals we eat.

Supplementation becomes necessary
This is where choices become very important. Nature has not created us to recognise nutrients in a chemical/synthetic form, yet virtually all so-called ‘natural’ supplements are created this way. None of these so-called ‘natural’ vitamin and mineral supplements exist anywhere on this planet in live food and that should concern us. We can only truly benefit from nutrients in a food form, and that is exactly what we create with the Foodstate products, making them much easier to absorb, use and retain in the body.


Let us help strengthen your winter immunity
Here are 5 products that support a healthy immune system:

Multi Vitamin & Mineral
A food based broad-spectrum with minerals and trace elements.

Multi Antioxidant with Co-Q10
Food based formula with Co-Q10, Vitamin C and E, Zinc, Selenium and Bioflavinoids, which reduce harmful free radicals within the body and provide significant support to the immune system.

Probiotic E505
A friendly bacteria that help the intestine absorb beneficial nutrients and help remove toxic waste. A healthy gut is intrinsically linked to a healthy body.

An enzyme known to help reduce inflammation and support digestion. It also breaks down fibrin in the blood, protecting the heart.

Required by each cell in the body to deliver nutrients, remove waste, support bones, reduce stress, release energy and support nerve function. It is estimated that 80% of Brits are Magnesium deficient.


Range of Foodstate Supplements

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