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Blog posts of '2012' 'May'

Karoshil: Coping with Anxiety & Poor Sleep …providing people with everything they need to properly relax, to have regular and reparative sleep once more and to cope with their anxieties. Karoshil is a unique combination of Food State multi-nutrients, with specific herbs and phosphorylated glucose, which are important to the nervous system. Karoshil gives rapid results on the psychological condition, sometimes even within a few hours
Joint & Bone nutrient program Joint and bone health is becoming a bigger and bigger issue, especially for menopausal women, and with a variety of conflicting stories around, this article clarifies what is good and bad for joints and bones, and how Food and Food State nutrients fit into the picture.
Dealing with Slow/Poor Digestion This article is designed to highlight the health dangers associated with poor digestion and reveal some of the common causes in the modern western diet, and importantly, look at how it can be rectified with an effective Probiotic, and a product called Caprylic Acid.