Good health is primarily linked to a strong immunity because your immunity fights disease and protects the body from falling ill. Never in our history have we had to fight against so many different elements working against optimum health, whether it be from pollutants, poor diet, stimulant foods or a sedentary lifestyle.
There is no doubt that our ageing population is causing a rise in the incidence of cancer and heart disease but we can’t blame it all on that. Many of the nutrients that used to exist in our farm soils decades ago are no longer there and the consequence to us, despite an abundance of food, is nutritional deficiency. If we take Selenium as an example, it is predicted that 90% of us are Selenium deficient, a micro mineral fundamental to our health. Selenium deficiency is linked to various cancers including skin and colon cancer.
The combination of taking our Foodstate Multi vit/mineral and Multi Antioxidant provides a sound nutritional base, filling in all the gaps left by insufficient farm soils. Selenium not only exists in both products, it is food selenium rather than the toxic sodium selenite form used in ordinary supplements and incorrectly referred to as “natural”.