Are you flying? If so the most important supplement is the Multi Antioxidant because the pressurised cabin of an aircraft causes considerable free-radical damage, which is another way of saying that healthy cells are damaged, becoming toxic and causing health risks. A very effective way of reducing cell damage is with Antioxidants, which prevent the oxidation of healthy cells. Take 3 of our multi-antioxidant before flying and another 3 shortly after landing.
Antioxidants are specific nutrients that “scavenge” and help “mop up harmful free radicals. Our Foodstate antioxidant formula contains: Vitamins C and E, Beta Carotene, Zinc, Selenium, Co - Q10.
Catching bugs on Planes: The cabin of a plane is a perfect environment in which to catch a cold or flu, the last thing you want if you are leaving on holiday! High-dose Vitamin C provides an effective immune system boost that helps the body fight bugs before they manifest.
Might you have a Drink or Two on Holiday? A bottle of wine with kill 60% of the Magnesium stored in your liver. Topping up your Magnesium levels helps reduce tiredness and fatigue – very useful if you are jet-lagged and hungover! It also helps with the function of your nervous system, and with better sleep patterns
Keeping your Energy levels High: To fully enjoy your holiday, it helps to be full of energy. Out Foodstate Vitamin B Complex contains all of the B Vitamins, which work synergistically to give you more energy