Simple Dietary Do’s and Don’ts
1. Essentially, reduce animal protein as much as possible
2. Eliminate cow’s milk products in all forms for two months. Cow’s milk contains chemicals that are not advisable to consume. The occasional consumption of goat’s milk is acceptable.
3. Eliminate from the diet all margarines and other health spreads. Goat’s milk and cow’s milk butter is available in most supermarkets. Organic cow’s milk butter may be taken very sparingly while other cows milk products are excluded.
4. Try to avoid negative emotional states. Consider yoga or meditation.
5. Consume as much raw and ripe foods as comfortable on a daily basis. The guideline is try to eat 20% of your total daily intake as raw foods.
6. Only consume organic eggs that are genuinely free range from poultry that has received proper foods and not chemical pellets.
7. Only use cold pressed organic or extra virgin cooking oils purchased in dark glass containers, and store them somewhere dark.
8. Plastic containers contain chemical residues that are not helpful with regard our immune system. Never put plastic in the oven or microwave.
9. Consume daily freshly prepared ripe fruit and vegetable juices. Organically pre-prepared juices can be purchased in supermarkets and health stores. Consume at least one glass daily taken mid morning.
10. Add Shiitake mushrooms to the diet once or twice a month, and more often if possible. These can be purchased in delicatessens and other stores. Usually they are dried and require rehydration. Some supermarkets do sell fresh shiitake mushrooms which can be consumed raw or very lightly boiled.
11. Maitake and Reishi mushrooms are also most beneficial for the immune system.
12. Consuming whole organic brown rice is of great benefit (hot or cold-cooked) and is known to reduce the incidence of several disease processes.
13. Soybean products such as Tofu and Miso are also known to be most beneficial for both women and men.
14. Organic flax and hemp seed oil consumption on a daily basis is most beneficial and proven to help the immune system. This oil should only be purchased in dark glass containers.
15. All green leafy vegetables boost the immune system particularly broccoli, cabbage (green), watercress and Brussels sprouts. Consume either raw, lightly cooked or in a juice.
16. Tangerines are very helpful, oranges and grapefruit are not so helpful in temperate climates.
17. Organic Green tea is good as tea Polyphenols combat disease and strengthen our immune system.
18. Fresh fruits such as apples, cherries, apricots, pineapple (consume the core as it contains enzymes that help the heart stay healthy), RIPE bananas, grapes; figs (fresh or dried) raspberries and cranberries are all beneficial, preferably in organic form. These fruits may be consumed freely.
19. Beetroot is a most welcome addition to the diet, ideally eaten raw and grated. It provides energy and supports healthy kidney function.
20. Cauliflower, cabbage, kale, broccoli and tofu contain chemicals known as isothiocyanates that are potent healing substances.
21. Consume at least one and a half to two litres of water each day.
22. Reduce stimulant foods.
23. Eliminate all refined foods, sucrose (so called white sugar) white bread products, non organic pasta.
24. Reduce alcohol for two months and then continue with avoidance of sprits as much as possible.
25. Avoid all fizzy carbonated beverages (including water) manufactured with refined sugars. These are sugars ending in “ose” such as sucrose, glucose, fructose and maltose. Sweeteners are even worse.
26. Avoid Smoking !!
27. Chew all foods very thoroughly until the food is almost liquid.
28. Try to adopt the habit at least one day a week of being vegetarian.
29. Live yoghurt is to be recommended, especially if made from goat’s milk. This is an important food that does inhibit the growth of detrimental bacteria in the intestine
30. It is advisable to take basic daily FOOD supplements containing nutrients that are known to be in short supply within the typical diet. Age/Gender programs, health programs and a full list of the Foodstate supplements are available here: