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Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

As Mental Health Awareness Week draws to a close again, now is the perfect time to think about your mental health and the wellbeing of others.

The theme this year is ‘Anxiety’. Anxiety has become one of the most talked about topics in mental health. And while it is a normal emotion in us all, it can sometimes get out of control and become a mental health problem. It can become problematic if it is persistent over a long period of time, is overwhelming, or stops us from doing things we want or need to do.

According to the Mental Health Foundation (MHF), anxiety levels amongst the population increased throughout the pandemic and have not yet dropped to pre-pandemic levels. Based on the MHF’s report from March this year, 73% of the population had felt anxious at least sometimes in the previous two weeks, with 20% anxious most or all of the time.

There are many coping strategies that people use to manage anxiety. Looking after our physical health by moving more and eating healthily, talking to people we trust, using relaxation techniques and making sleep a priority are all highly recommended.

Everyone’s experiences of anxiety are different, and the causes can be complicated too. We can’t tackle anxiety by only focusing on remedies for individuals – national and local policymakers must prioritise actions to promote good mental health for all.

That said, when it comes to managing stress, anxiety, improving sleep and boosting your mood, there are a few products that can help.

Rhodiola with Vitamins B5 and B6
Rhodiola is a herb that has been used traditionally to support negative emotional states. Vitamins B5 and B6 are proven to support the nervous system, improve mental health and help prevent tiredness and fatigue.

Our Rhodiola supplement with Vitamins B5 and B6 helps to:

  • Reduce stress
  • Improve symptoms of anxiety
  • Improve mental and physical fatigue
  • Support brain function
  • Support the nervous system
  • Maintain normal function of the circulatory system and provide cells with oxygen and nutrients.

Bottles of Rhodiola supplements
Karoshil works well with Rhodiola
Karoshil is a Foodstate supplement that plays a role in normal neurological and cardiac function while helping to reduce the various stresses and strains involved in modern living. It has been created for the specific purpose of supporting people living high-stress lives and suffering from tiredness and fatigue, anxiety and depression.

Karoshil incorporates additional Foodstate antioxidants that help reduce harmful free radicals, too. It is predominantly a B vitamin product, but also contains the ‘Master Minerals’:

May alleviate stress by improving the function of the adrenal glands. There is a well-known link between Magnesium deficiency and symptoms of stress and depression.

Our brains need optimum zinc to improve memory, learning and mood. A zinc deficiency has been linked with anxiety and depression.

Research has shown that the optimum Foodstate Selenium provides a host of health benefits for the nervous system.

Ashwagandha is the perfect supplement for both mind and body. It has been used to reduce stress and anxiety, enhance mental wellbeing, hormone balance, libido and ease pain and inflammation. It has also been used to treat insomnia.

While we can’t take the stress and anxiety out of life, we can certainly try to help you deal with it. Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Foodstate Supplements
All food. Nothing fake.

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