How much water should you drink? As an adult you should be drinking between 1.5 and 2.5 litres per day, depending on your size, and preferably either bottled or from a water filter. If you take exercise of work manually in the heat, then drink more. If your urine is not clear you are not drinking sufficient water
It is estimated that 30 – 35% of modern disease processes are caused by low water intake or poor quality water. Try to drink plain bottled water or water from a filter, because poor quality water has health concerns:
Fertility and Pregnancy: Research in the USA has shown that chlorine levels in water is directly related to lower sperm counts and increased miscarriages. Daily requirement for water increases during pregnancy and insufficient water is related to morning sickness.
Kidneys: Water irrigates and cleanses the kidneys and acts as a carrier vehicle for the kidneys' excretion of toxins from the body, so the quality of water is paramount. Kidney stones may be prevented by drinking sufficient water. Low water intake or poor quality water can cause low energy and lethargy.
Skin: Water comprises 70% of the dermis of the skin, low water intake contributes to poor skin condition and the appearance of premature aging
Aluminium: A concern of tap water is the aluminium content because aluminium sulphate is used in water treatment, hence the advice to drink bottled or filtered water
Reducing heavy metals: We all have to accept that heavy metals are a part of modern-day living, with considerable consequence to our health. Antioxidants are the most effective way of getting rid of these nasty materials, Our Foodstate multi-antioxidant contains all the potent antioxidants that support our health in many ways and provide a degree of protection against toxic pollutants.
Chlorine: There are obvious sources of chlorine, like tap water, and some less obvious ones. For example commercially grown vegetables and fruits are washed in a chlorine solution 25 times higher than people would be allowed to swim in at a public swimming pool - even Organic!! Excessive exposure to Inorganic chlorine is known to suppress the immune system and contribute to and cause blood sugar disorders