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How Do We Re-Nature vitamins and minerals?

We emulate the process that a plant uses when it takes an inorganic nutrient out of the soil and turns it is to a food nutrient

The process requires isolated nutrients (e.g. Ascorbic Acid in the case of Vitamin C) to be accepted back into a complete food matrix. Merely combining the two parts will result in a simple mixture. Therefore the isolated nutrient must first be prepared. This is done essentially using another nutrient mix to provide the protein carriers that attach to the nutrient, enabling it to attach to its proper place in the food into which it will be Re-natured.     


To appreciate the importance of this stage of the process imagine how a key works in a lock. Only a precise size and shaped key will operate a particular lock. The lock in question here is the minute space inside the native food where a particular nutrient belongs. A nutrient of the wrong identity (shape, size, electrical charge etc) will not be accepted into the receptor site. As such, isolated nutrients must be prepared with the addition of proteins, carbohydrates and other beneficial nutrient food elements to make them complete and able to properly reside within a food.


Once the isolated nutrient has been attached to the carrier it must be re-introduced into its native food. Yeast has traditionally been used as it is a particularly nutritious food source, but it cannot accept all nutrients. Vitamin C is not native to yeast and as such cannot be incorporated in it. B Vitamins however can, and when added in their prepared form to growing yeast are taken up and incorporated into the correct sites within its cells. It should be noted that the yeast is entirely removed and non-existent in the finished product. These products are entirely safe even for people who are highly yeast sensitive.

Other foods previously mentioned have been used since Re-natured nutrients were first developed. These require a different process, as they are not actively growing to take up the nutrients, yet given the correct conditions prepared nutrients can be wholly integrated into them also.