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Drowsy? Depressed? Anxious? You may have tired adrenals

When the body is under stress the adrenal glands secrete glucocorticoids.

The negative feedback mechanism between the pituitary gland and the adrenal glands that occurs within the hippocampus helps to regulate the body's production of glucocorticoids

These substances may improve the health of the adrenal glands


  • Calcium may be required for the healthy function of the adrenal glands.  

  • GTF chromium concentrates in the adrenal glands.

  • Magnesium may be required for healthy function of the adrenal glands.  

  • Vanadium concentrates in the adrenal glands.

  • Zinc may be required for healthy function of the adrenal glands.  


  • Choline - degeneration of the adrenals may occur due to choline deficiency

  • Vitamin A concentrates in the adrenals and may improve their function

  • Vitamin B5 may activate may “revive” exhausted adrenal glands

  • Vitamin C is essential for the function of the adrenal glands - the adrenals contain approx. 30 mg of Vit C - the 2nd highest concentration of any component of the body

  • Vitamin E concentrates in the adrenal, they contain 132 mcg of vitamin E per gram


  • Chaparral may increase Vit C levels in the adrenals  

  • Korean ginseng may improve their function

  • Siberian ginseng may improve the function of the adrenals by preventing the release of excessive corticosteroid hormones in response to stress.

Siberian ginseng may prevent hypertrophy (enlargement) of the adrenal glands

Amino Acids

Alanine may be essential for the correct function of the adrenal glands.  

Tyrosine may relieve excessive stress on the adrenal glands


Beta-carotene - beta-carotene reserves concentrate in the adrenal glands

Lycopene is the predominant carotenoid that concentrates in the adrenal glands

Electromagnetic Radiation

Negative Ion therapy may increase the weight of the Adrenal Glands by up to 29%


Omega-3 fatty acids - some omega-3 fatty acids concentrate in the cell membranes of the adrenal glands

These substances may be toxic to the adrenal glands

Amino Acids

  • Tyramine may cause over-stimulation of the adrenal glands (which results in depletion of the body's Norepinephrine reserves).

Electromagnetic Radiation

  • Excessive exposure to positive ions may cause the adrenal glands to shrink by up to 33%.


  • Lipofuscin may accumulate in the adrenal glands.

Adrenal insufficiency may be implicated in these ailments

  • Cardiovascular System: Adrenal insufficiency may be a cause of low blood pressure

  • Hair: Adrenal insufficiency may occur in conjunction with alopecia

  • Immune System: Adrenal insufficiency may cause suppression of the immune system.

  • Metabolism: Adrenal insufficiency is speculated to be the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) - the Adrenal of CFS patients are only about 50% of normal size  

  • Adrenal insufficiency may cause: Fatigue / hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar) / impaired liver function / salt cravings

  • Nervous System: Adrenal insufficiency may cause: Anxiety / poor concentration / depression / drowsiness / insomnia / memory loss