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Calcium: An Essential Mineral that only works in Food-Form

Taking too much calcium in the form of supplements can increase the chances of dying from cancer, say researchers. However, calcium in food contributes to a reduction in cancer rates, and that’s the key, it must be in food (foodstate) form!



It’s Still An Essential Mineral: I’ve written about the dangers of calcium supplements more than any other mineral supplement. However, let’s not underestimate the importance of this essential mineral. The important point here is that you take it in food form, which is exactly the form in which we create it with our Foodstate calcium supplement.


Dosage: Scientists writing in the journal Annals on Internal Medicine said cancer patients could be putting themselves in greater danger by taking calcium supplement doses above 1000mgs per day. An adult human needs between 20 and 30mg of food calcium per day, not 1000mg of inorganic chemical-form calcium. Our’s is 27.5mg of food calcium


Why is Calcium Important? Apart from being a major constituent of bones and teeth, calcium is vital for muscle contraction, nerve conduction, the beating of the heart, blood coagulation, glandular secretion, energy metabolism and maintenance of immune function.



The 2 most common forms of Calcium supplement: They are calcium carbonate and calcium citrate and neither are particularly desirable, but calcium carbonate is the most widely used and should be avoided – after all, it is nothing more than blackboard chalk!


Dangers: Calcium carbonates have been shown to cause gastrointestinal side effects such as constipation, bloating, gas and flatulence. Only approximately 5% of the calcium in calcium carbonate is retained within the body. The prolonged use of Calcium carbonate (greater than 12g daily - about 5g of elemental Ca) may lead to the milk-alkali syndrome, hypercalcaemia, nephrocalcinosis, renal insufficiency, and according to this latest research, an increased danger of cancer.



Bone Mass Density: Long-term use of Ca carbonate will potentially reduce your bone-mass density despite the fact that most people purchase it for the exact opposite intention.


What about Magnesium? If you are taking inorganic magnesium and calcium together they both end up being even less effective because they compete for receptor sites. In Foodstate form they work in complete harmony together.



What About Foodstate Calcium? There are many inadequacies and potential problems by taking calcium as an inorganic salt (i.e. most supplements) of any kind. The calcium provided to us through food reaches receptor sites in the body, but inorganic calcium, or any inorganic mineral for that matter, is simply not recognised by the body. Foodstate Ca has been shown scientifically to be superior to all other forms because it is created as a food nutrient, and offers all the positive health benefits of food calcium.